Thursday, February 16, 2006

You Take My Breath Away !!

Today when I talked with you, it was a dream come true. It was ages since I talked with you and today's talk refreshed my memories of our good old day.

I lost the count of the mintues we were talking , but I remembered just one thing and that was that I was talking to you. My happiness knows no bound when I talked with you. We discussed of the oceans and rivers, we talked about the stars and moon. We talked about the devil and fairy tale. We were so much engrossed in our talks that we forgot we were talking on phone , when the phone got disconnected.

I wish we were talking, we were chatting, but not on phone or internet , but face to face , eyes to eyes , heart to heart. When I could feel your hand when you felt low. When I could kiss your lips, when you felt romantic, when I can hug you , when you just feel elated. When I could walk hand in hand with you to the bay shore. When I can sit with you and enjoy pasta and riviolli with you (excuse me for I am vegetarian). When I could just keep staring at those deep beautiful eyes. When I can just keep watching that lovely smiles of yours.

Well my love, I would have had so much great time with you , but alas you are not here. So, I will probably stick to the phone.

PS: Now, if you guys are jumping to the conclusion that this stupid idiot fellow has a girl friend who is away from his place and he is unable to meet her. Well all I can say is hold your horses for sometime still :). Well , this is a story of a very close friend of mine and looking at his emotional uproar tonight after his talking to his girl friend after a very long time, I felt like writing what feeling lovers have. I dont know if his gf will visit my blog, but if she does, on my friend's behalf , I shall say that he loves you a lot and you are like his heartbeat.

Ok, its pretty late and I shall hit the sack now .......



Blogger J said...

aaw love crap

3:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe she feels it too. So deep and truly...
wow j

7:58 AM  
Blogger Tarni said...

For a moment I held my breath may be you are talking about you!!!
Great love write full of emotions!!


9:47 AM  
Blogger said...

@j : love is considered crap by those souls who have not tasted the pleausre of it,who have not seen the LIFE of love or who had bad experinces in love. But love is bliss , absolutely. You can give up this world so very easily for your love, you can be hungry for days altogether for the sake of your love. You can do so muhc in love, which you cannot do otherwise. And thats coz , love is a LIFE in itself.


@tarni : Oye keep breathing, if something happesn to you , your parents will kill me :)

4:50 PM  
Blogger Vaikunth said...

I "believe" that you are talking about your room-mate.
Does he live inside you?? :)

9:48 PM  
Blogger Thanu said...

Long ditance relationships are hard.. hats off to anyone who can go thru that.

11:12 PM  
Blogger said...

@vaik : Sir, I wish I could disclose that piece of information but my lips are sealed under some relationship.
I hope you understand.

@thanu :I am not an expert to comment on it , but guess love has the power much stronger than a physical presence.

12:08 AM  
Blogger SeePearrl said...

For a moment I was guessing...why you never told me about her and that you are a lier :P

8:33 PM  
Blogger Emotions said...

awesome creation:-))))

all d bst !!
keep writing n keep smiling :-)

10:55 PM  
Blogger Vamsee said...

Man new look, lovely words..good job Anil:)

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now it truely seems to be your story. How romantic!!! i just love it too

12:19 PM  

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