Mid Life Crisis !!
A few days back, I was talking to a friend of mine and she told me a funny incidence.A friend of her, aged around 35 ,who is a software engineer, working in a pretty good company , here in California, earning big bucks, all of a sudden quit the job. The reason - he wants to become an actor.
This might sound quite funny, but many of us have, what is called "Mid life crisis". When we are young and energetic, we can do anything in the world, to get name, fame and money. But when we get into our middle life, we start to realize the emptiness, we loose the affinity to money, we start missing something, we feel what wanted to achieve has not been achieved. We feel like we directed our energy and attention towards wrong direction. And we feel scared, because, we cannot get that life back and making changes is not an easy idea, socially and economically.
Today, as we stand, how many of us are doing what we wanted to do? I guess hardly any. Most of us want to change job, change industry, change things around us. Now, we want to change, but that doesn’t mean, we know what we want to change, we just want to change. So most of us keep changing, thinking that we are going towards our goal in life, whereas, we are mere circling around some parameters like name, fame and money and that keep continuing for year’s altogether.
But, on a practical scale, its not possible for a person to start with something which they always wanted to do, but we all should, take some time out of our hectic life and think what we want in life and see how close we can get to it even when we are doing our everyday activities, so that we don’t end up opening our eyes one fine day and get scared.
I tried to think, what I would love to do when I get settled with my career and social life, I would try my hands on writing. I love to write. I might even try something on creativity and psychology; I like to talk about these topics.
So tell me, you people, thinking deeply and properly, what do you think, you want to do in your mid life?
i just remembered robert frost..the road not taken
I would just like to travel. enjoy nature and meet people from all over the world.I would also like to leave a good imprint of my life wherever I go.
i wud become a story writer/ sone writter for Tamil film industry or become a professor in college.
One thing I am almost sure is I may not stay here forever :)
Me too travel, so work now, save money adn travel later
hummm.... well you made me think once again.
Mid life???
well dont you think that would be too late for me to start up with what I want to do...
I will have to think again...
Tarni(Is Back)
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