Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hitler - Control Of Mind

I was watching a YT's video on Adolf Hitler and was amazed to see that whatever I read in the novel 1984 was actually quite real. When I read the book, I thought it was a fantasy mixed with a little bit of reality told in a severe form, but after watching this video, which was produced by some British Director, based on fact or factual evidences, I was amazed at the genius mind of Adolf Hitler.

He had done something, which humanity would condemn but as an individual, as a man with brain and intelligence , he was a true genius. He enticed the youths, the pillars of any country. He gave them everything. He gave the reason to fight, he gave the respect for their country, he gave them the best of the education, he gave them the power of an individual, he gave them food, shelter, clothing and entertainment and all he asked for them was just one thing, complete dedication to his country and more so to his Nazi party. With so much to gain, the youths were all in for this cause, they felt he was a very strong leader and can make their country a superpower.

And the youths were made to follow Nazis principle by heart, by mind and by soul. They were so dedicated to the party that even their family couldn't come in between. He started training them from as early as 2-3 yrs of age, by having a group of around 1 million girls (age 14-17) who would take care of the small children, while their parents were away on jobs. And these gals were the part of the dedicated youths who's heart and soul belonged to the party. So after 10 yrs, Hitler had a huge population of youths who would dedicate themselves to him , not for religious but for nationalistic reasons. They were youths, who would spy their own parents, siblings and would denounce them if they didn't confirm to the party's philosophy and would inform about them , to the Nazi army, which would , mostly put them in labor camp. Such was the control of Hitler on the mind of the youths, that even your own parents , their love, sacrifice and warmth couldn't override the devotion to the Nazi party, these youths had.

And all this was a game of mind. Hitler knew that mind can be altered to understand whatever he wanted to, if he can play with the five senses of the youths, which were the fuel of the mind. He played on the two most powerful senses , hearing and seeing. The youths would see what he wanted to show, i.e show them the bright future, show them that they have the power to do anything and with this power, they can make Germany the strongest country in the world(and indeed Germany became a very strong country in terms of both monetary as well as scientific achievements). They heard what he wanted them to hear, he had taken absolute control of all the private radio/tv . There were only public radio and tv, run by Nazi party. There were hardly any means of listening to the news outside Germany, apart from the one shown (rarely) on public tv/radio. So people made their opinion about things based on what they heard and they heard what Hitler wanted them to hear, so their opinions were basically the whims and fancies of Hitler.

He was inhuman, brutal and a cynic. But he was a genius who knew the power of mind very well.


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