Saturday, March 10, 2007

Procrastination -- A Deadly Friend !!

There are times when you make a resolution, a decision which you feel , can change your life, which can make you reach closer to your dream, to your goal. You get all pumped up, completely energetic, passionate towards this goal. It seems to you like a "eureka" for your dreams.

Then few days down the line, you have the passion burning but the flame is kept low, you think about your resolution,about the future after your resolution and the happy days ahead. And this is where it all starts dying, it all starts becoming a dream , it all starts becoming just another resolution made in thin air. This is when the self-doubt start emerging, low esteem comes into play and the life becomes just as it was few days before , without that resolution in mind, but with the addition of a restlessness and irritation in your nature. Irritation about your callousness, about your attitude or procrastination about your lethargic nature.

Procrastination,doesn't just kills your desire to achieve a goal, to reach towards your dream, it kills your life, silently. As it is said, a known enemy is better than an unknown friend. So is the case here. This procrastination is your unknown friend and the regular job is your known enemy, but because of this unknown friend, you start loosing out on your known friend. And not just that, your whole life comes to a standstill. You just keep postponing your resolution and let your life pass by. You do not touch anything else, any other resolution because you feel this resolution has to be finished and it is a very important one, for your life. Weeks and months pass by, you still stand there, now you have even stopped thinking about your resolution consciencely , only sub-consciencely and just ignore these sub-conscience thoughts in order to prevent yourself from feeling guilty.

After long long time, once again, when this monotonous life starts getting heavy on you, it makes you think again and then the old long lost resolution, ambition comes to your conscience and you again pack yourself up with full energy and feel that now nothing in this world can stop you from achieving it.

Only time will tell if the history repeats itself.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I do agree procrastination is your unknown friend who sink in your life steals the most valuable recoverable entity- time from you.
I remember a skit from my school days."i will do it tomorrow".It is a story about a family in which every other puts aside work to be done.Finally the whole things turns hilarious when they hear exactly the same thing when they are at the receiving end.

6:39 PM  

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